Aftermarket Wheel Motor Toro 103-6988 fits Toro Z 500's Z Master 2004 & Newer 60" and 72"
Part Number: Exmark: 1-523328; Parker: TF0240US081AADD; Toro: 103-6988 1-523328
Application: Exmark: Lazer Z Serial No. 102 000-370 000 52" 60" and 72" decks; Lazer Z HP Serial No. 160 000-370 000 44" 48" and 52" decks
Toro: Z 500's Z Master 2004 & Newer 60" and 72" ; Z 250's Z Master 742XX Series 1999-2040 52" 62" and 72" decks
Delivery time: in 7 days